Lake Ogletree Spillway

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Location: Auburn, AL

Project Type: Dams

Application: Spillway Stabilization

Product Used: ARMORMAX

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A new spillway and weir were put in place in Lake Ogletree to help regulate the flow of the river. The project aimed to replace an existing 75-year-old spillway and increase the lake’s water-holding capacity, which is the city’s main water supply. The approach to the weir was in need of erosion protection as water would be flowing through it. The slope at the spillway was 25 feet tall and had a 3 horizontal: 1 vertical.

Lake ogletree install


Approximately 8,000 square yards of ARMORMAX was installed along the bottom of the approach to the new weir to stabilize soils and along the slopes leading up to the approach for spillway protection, bank armoring and vegetation. Type B1 3 ft. anchors were used to permanently secure the HPTRM below the water line. Transitions to rock and concrete were used to ensure that water will not get between the ARMORMAX and the spillway. Additionally, GEOTEX nonwoven geotextile was placed under the ARMORMAX to serve as a filter between the HPTRM and the soil.

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The installation of the ARMORMAX and GEOTEX took approximately 12 days to complete. After six months the site was revisited for inspection. The lake was at full pool and the ARMORMAX was fully vegetated. No erosion was present on the slopes leading to the approach.

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